The second act o
n the bill for The Hell On Heels Tour was California band Nico Vega. Walking in, I was clueless to who or what a Nico Vega was and what it would sound like. Yeah, I know, I need to get out more or at the very least stop being lazy and check music out online prior to attending a show. I'm actually glad I didn't do any pre-show research. It would have taken away from the pleasantly odd magical euphoric feeling I got the minute they started playing.
A part of me felt as if I'd been transported back in time and into the future all in one show, sometimes all in one song. Guitarist Rich Koehler at times sounded and looked like he was channeling Jimi Hendrix with a bit of Black Sabbath tossed in for good measure. There were a few make your brain ooze from your ears guitar moments when he went all fuzzy feedback'ish and slightly trippy. He and drummer Dan Epand provided a colossal amount of sound for two instruments.
The highlights of their set for me were the catchy "Gravity," sing-a-long crowd pleaser "Fe Fi Fo Fum," "Wooden Dolls" and my two favorites of the night "Blood Machine" and "Beast." I am clueless no longer when it comes to Nico Vega. I enjoyed their set. I was left somewhat dazed and definitely smiling.
A part of me felt as if I'd been transported back in time and into the future all in one show, sometimes all in one song. Guitarist Rich Koehler at times sounded and looked like he was channeling Jimi Hendrix with a bit of Black Sabbath tossed in for good measure. There were a few make your brain ooze from your ears guitar moments when he went all fuzzy feedback'ish and slightly trippy. He and drummer Dan Epand provided a colossal amount of sound for two instruments.
Vocalist Aja Volkman was a bundle of intense energ
y who at times seemed to be a cross between Janis Joplin and Grace Slick with a pinch of Linda Perry and Johnette Napolitano tossed in. Her oft times primal vocals and raw energy had me envisioning her singing on top of some large natural rock formation in the desert, in the black of night, with just a camp fire as her stage lighting. Anyone else have that vision? No?
The highlights of their set for me were the catchy "Gravity," sing-a-long crowd pleaser "Fe Fi Fo Fum," "Wooden Dolls" and my two favorites of the night "Blood Machine" and "Beast." I am clueless no longer when it comes to Nico Vega. I enjoyed their set. I was left somewhat dazed and definitely smiling.
Set List
- Protest
- Million Years
- Blood Machine
- Living Underground
- Fe Fi Fo Fum
- Gravity
- Wooden Dolls
- Burn Burn
- Jesus Baby
- Beast
Today also happens to be the day Nico Vega releases their new self-titled record to the masses. I picked up a copy of it on Saturday after the show. The same songs that caught my ear live still have my ear. I'm having a bit of a Nico Vega love fest over here enjoying their recorded effort.
Track Listing
- Burn Burn
- Million Years
- So So Fresh
- Living Underground
- Wooden Dolls
- Gravity
- Be Giving
- Iron Man
- Family Train
- Blood Machine
- Medicine Man
- Rabbit In The Bag
- Coal Miner's Song
- Beast
And if that's not enough Nico Vega for a music loving soul, they're back in New York on February 16 at Mercury Lounge with the Von Bondies.
All Photos: © L. R. Adams