Love The Future lets the world in on what fans already knew, Chester French doesn't really fit into a predefined category. The Tejano? styling's of their "Introduction" kicks things off. If you didn't already know, then you were pretty much clued in at that point that you were in for some sort of musical diversity. "C'mon (On My Own)" is up next and it's a solid pop rock bit. It's what comes after that, that's worth the price of the album on it's own. "Bebe Buell," is hands down my favorite song on the album. This addictive number mixes dirty guitar work some serious clap along keyboard driven pop music. If I weren't already hooked on Chester French, this song would have hooked me.
"Fingers," another favorite of mine, is like a cross between The Beatles and Tony Orlando. What? Am I the only one who thinks that? Well, this wouldn't be the first time that I've made questionable comparisons. Something about the song reminds me of 70's TV variety shows.

Where the brilliant "String Interlude" is a brief but dramatic string filled break, the equally brilliant "Country Interlude" is anything but country with it's various effects and instrumentation's. Musically, it's rather creepy sounding going from mad guitar to what sounds like a xylophone (vibraphone?) that beckons you to soft shoe, back to the mad buzzing guitar. Yeah, there's a trip that's just waiting to happen with this song and a good pair of headphones.
"Beneath The Veil" has a rockabilly vibe. At the same time, it has a bit of a retro "these boots are made for walking" dance beat to it. I'm not sure I've ever heard a tap dance solo in a song that didn't involve a Broadway show and $150 tickets. But there's one in this song. This is where that somewhat nerdy part comes in. People go to shows and yell out guitar/bass/drum solo but NOBODY ever yells out t

"Beneath The Veil" is followed by two other goodies, "Neal," with it's sax and piano bits and "Not Over You." Everyone knows the catchy "The Jimmy Choos" and "She Loves Everybody." They're both here and just as catchy as ever.
Love The Future is a enjoyable piece of work. It embraces many styles, mixes them all together and does so without sounding like a train wreck.
Track Listing
- Introduction
- C'mon (On My Own)
- Bebe Buell
- String Interlude
- The Jimmy Choos
- Time To Unwind
- Fingers
- Country Interlude
- Beneath The Veil
- Neal
- Not Over You
- She Loves Everybody
- Sleep