Yeah, yeah, yeah so it's not an official take off of work, have a cookout holiday or anything; but, you can still have some fun and blast a Beatles song or two or how about the whole spiffy collection. I'm sure your boss won't mind. So, toss on your Beatle boots, put on your mop top wig or if you're among those who prefer to go the more trippy years, get some peace and love facial hair going, wear some funky threads and enjoy the day. Now, if you get fired and or committed to an institution of the mental variety for any of the fully costumed, spontaneous, Beatles moments you may partake in today, don't blame me. But hey, send photos of yourself being carted off!

You know, I think every NY band should find a roof top and have their own concert to celebrate the day. Let your inner John, Paul, George & Ringo out. It's just a thought!
In the mean time, check out this little clip of The Beatles performing "I Saw Her Standing There" ... click HERE.
I searched high and low for this ... okay, I just popped The Beatles in the YouTube search box but, that doesn't sound as dramatic! Anyway, I pulled up "Get Back" from their legendary rooftop performance. I like that song. It's funky. Enjoy!