Fellow New Yorkers, the Studio Six Theater Company is presenting ...the itsy bitsy spid
er... Thanksgiving weekend! So, if you're going to be in town, like theater and want some form of entertainment that doesn't involve your Aunt Birdie Mae in a feathered head dress, trying to trade your Uncle Willie for a turkey leg, this might just be right up your alley.
...the itsy bitsy spider... is directed by Moscow Art Theater director, Alexandre Marine and featuring Sofiya Akilova, Jill Dion, Alesia Georgiou, Nicole Kontolefa, Matt Raines, Vasanth Santosham, Ben Sargent, Raphael Schklowsky, Taylor Sutherland and Karen Tararache. The production will run November 24 - 25 and 27 - 28 at 7 PM at The Baryshnikov Arts Center, 450 W 37th Street, between 9th & 10th Avenues.

...the itsy bitsy spider... is directed by Moscow Art Theater director, Alexandre Marine and featuring Sofiya Akilova, Jill Dion, Alesia Georgiou, Nicole Kontolefa, Matt Raines, Vasanth Santosham, Ben Sargent, Raphael Schklowsky, Taylor Sutherland and Karen Tararache. The production will run November 24 - 25 and 27 - 28 at 7 PM at The Baryshnikov Arts Center, 450 W 37th Street, between 9th & 10th Avenues.
...the itsy bitsy spider... revolves around a controversial chapter of Dostoevsky's novel, The Possessed, that was originally censored in Russia. Exploring fanaticism and ideals, revolution and conspiracy, Dostoevsky's tale is haunting not only because we know Russia's fate but also because the characters are startlingly familiar to us today. Moscow Art Theater director Alexandre Marine brings relationships and psychology to the fore, creating a moving image of a town torn apart by a few men and their mysterious pasts.For more info, visit www.studiosixnyc.org or for tickets tinyurl.com/StudioSixSpider.