UK pop singer Keeley released her debut single "In My Dreams" on November 1. Her upcomin
g record is expected next year. In the meantime, give the single a listen. If your music tastes tilt towards the pop side of the R&B/club sound, check her out via the handy widget below.

'In My Dreams' is a catchy, clubby R&B tune about distant love and fantasy. It is universal, and easy to identify with, whatever your age – though surprisingly enough, according to Keeley herself it is a song about unfulfilled love between an earthling and an alien, one on earth, the other in space. Such love needs dreams in order to exist, as dreams are the only setting where it would be possible for it to grow. This is Keeley's first attempt at recording an original number, that is after years of performing cover songs in an impressive range of styles. From Alicia Keys & Beyonce to Queen, Keeley delivers great vocals, constantly adapting to different atmospheres and energy levels, marking her versatility as an awe-inspiring asset.