Alcoholic Faith Mission have announced the release of their upcoming recor
d. Running with Insanity EP will be released March 29 via Paper Garden Records. For those of you who want to check them out live here in our little spot of land in the world called New York, they'll be playing a couple of shows before they head down to SXSW. March 13 they'll be at Littlefield and March 15 they'll be at the Knitting Factory.

For those who like visuals, check out their latest video, "My Eyes To See" below.
Though they hail from Denmark, Alcoholic Faith Mission was actually formed in Brooklyn in 2006 by high school friends Thorben and Sune. When the pals stumbled upon Brooklyn's Apostolic Faith Mission Church, they reasoned that alcohol was as necessary an elixir as religion is for the pious. Thus, their own Alcoholic Faith Mission came to be. Brooklyn resonated deeply with the guys, so much that they returned to live there 18 months later. Named after their address, their sophomore album 421 Wythe Avenue was released through PonyRec in April 2009, and received critical acclaim.
- Running With Insanity
- Legacy
- When They Bleed
- Drowning (In Myself)
- Dancing Fools