The Rassle: June 22 @ Pianos, New York, NY

Last Wednesday, I was over at Pianos. As I was walking through to the back room, I walked past a guy and thought, hm, he looks familiar. As I'm waiting for things to get started, that same guy hops up on stage to prep for the show. It was then that it hit me I'd seen him play before with another band, The Takeover UK. Okay, I liked them so I figured there was a good chance I'd like this band, The Rassle, as well. Plus, I had it on good authority that they were really good.
The Rassle took the Pianos stage effectively making the room a party. The good authority was right, they are really good. At some point they played a song that reminded me of T-Rex, what?! Yeah, they went there. I might have heard a little taste of early U2; maybe I was reminded of that based on the singer doing the Bono bounce every so often. They were funky, they were punky, they were pop rock yumminess and they were full of old school vibe with a nice coating of freshness. Their old school sound remind you of... but they add their own thing thus avoiding sounding dated and redundant. Keep an eye these guys and check them out if you haven't already.