S.C.U.M. have released a video for their upcoming single, "Faith Unfolds." It w
as directed by Iain Forsyth and Jane Pollard. The single is scheduled to be released on January 13. Check out the video below.

This year has seen the band truly arrive in emphatic style. Live and on record S.C.U.M effortlessly bring together each band member’s individual listening habits in psychedelia, space-rock, avant-garde and ambient soundtracks to form a pop trip that neatly balances the innovative with the rapturously danceable to great effect. The band has toured with The Kills and played alongside Portishead in the UK.S.C.U.M is Thomas Cohen (vocal), Bradley Baker (machines), Samuel Kilcoyne (moog), Melissa Rigby (drums) and Huw Webb (Bass).