New Jersey public radio station WBGO announced that it's award-winning free Kids Jazz Conce
rt Series is returning this Spring! The four free interactive programs geared towards young people feature harpist Brandee Younger, saxophonist Donald Harrison, drummer Will Calhoun and saxophonist Claire Daly. If you have children, it's the perfect opportunity for them to listen to, learn and in some cases discover jazz.

The series will be held at New Jersey venues on four Saturdays at 12:30PM. Check out the schedule below.
These interactive, hour-long programs give young people opportunities to learn about the distinct qualities of jazz, and why it is a reflection of our community, nation, and world. Top jazz and blues artists produce programs tailor-made for young people, leaving time for further exploration of the music through Q&A sessions with the artists. In addition to the music, the event includes door prizes, a gift for each child and a fun-filled afternoon with other young jazz lovers.“The Kids Jazz Series is one of several WBGO youth initiatives that build upon the legacy of jazz and help set the stage for the next generation of jazz audiences and artists,” said Cephas Bowles, WBGO President and CEO. “We’re extremely pleased and proud to have been cited by the Corporation for Public Broadcasting with its MySource Community Impact Award for Engagement in 2009 for this series as well as for our live broadcasts of student jazz ensembles, which also take place in April.”
March 31, 12:30pm
Brandee Younger
Jazz: The Art of Creation
Montclair Art Museum
3 South Mountain Avenue
Montclair, NJ 07042
April 14, 12:30pm
Donald Harrison
Big Easy to Big Apple
Cicely Tyson School Performing Arts Center
35 Winans Street
East Orange, NJ 07017
Co-Sponsored by The High School Music Department of The Cicely L. Tyson Community School of Performing and Fine Arts
April 21, 12:30pm
Will Calhoun
Jazz in the Digital Age
New Jersey Performing Arts Center (NJPAC)
Victoria Theater
One Center Street
Newark, NJ 07102
April 28, 12:30 pm
Claire Daly
How Important Is the Melody?
Newark Museum
49 Washington Street
Newark, NJ 07102
All concerts are handicapped accessible. Adults must be accompanied by a child.